So very happy you asked about ways to #HelpUsHelp...
Here are a few ways...we welcome your ideas and suggestions.
1. Your business, organization, colleagues, friends and/or faith community can host an event for socks and flip-flops to be donated.
Sock Hops
Birthday Parties
School Drives
Ministry Outreach
Social Gathering
Simply Send us an email and let us know you are hosting an event to collect socks and/or flipflops
Let us know when and where and we’ll arrange for pick-up.
2. As a registered non-profit with Amazon. Socks & flip-flops maybe purchased online (including diabetic socks) and shipped directly to Sock’n It! You must use AmazonSmile Supporters find this way to be easy and convenient. A case of flipflops (assorted sizes; 48 or 96 pairs) can be purchased. First designate Sock It as your charity to view the list of socks and flipflops.
Please note: We’d like to personally “thank you” and ask that you let us know about your purchase as AmazonSmile does not include the purchaser’s information with shipments. Please send a copy of your purchase to contactsockit@gmail.com.
3. Donations help defray the cost for resources associated with delivery and distribution. Tax deductible donations are processed using PayPal or CashApp.
Thank you for caring and sharing a pair!
Note: For hygenic concerns used socks and flip-flops are not accepted at shelters.